Frolfing in Rossland...

The Thin Air Frolf Club is a recently renovated 18 hole beauty. With PDGA approved cement tee pads and two new par 4's this course is second to none in British Columbia.
Please respect the wildlife and pick up after yourselves.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Vote for Impeachment!!!


Thousands of Disc Golfers from around Rossland will join together to demand the impeachment of Blaine Benner and insist on the immediate end to the bilking of funds from the R.D.G.A for personal use. October 15th is the date Craig Tucker mandated to make a report to the board on the progress of the so-called surge. The eyes of the national and international media will be focused on Rossland, B.C. at that time. In the coming weeks we will be taking out newspaper ads, producing 500,000 leaflets, flyers, and stickers, and setting up outreach committees for the October 15th march in Rossland.

We are making a special appeal to all ImpeachBenner members to make a donation today to help us provide a special transportation subsidy for the West Kootenay Disc golfers who are trying to come to the October 15 march in Rossland. We are hearing from Disc golfers and the family members of Disc golfers from throughout the land who want to join the protest.

Thanks to donations from people like you, we've already been able to place ImpeachBenner ads in the Weekender, and the Trail Times.

2007 is the year for impeachment!

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