Frolfing in Rossland...

The Thin Air Frolf Club is a recently renovated 18 hole beauty. With PDGA approved cement tee pads and two new par 4's this course is second to none in British Columbia.
Please respect the wildlife and pick up after yourselves.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

"The Frolfumentary" to be shown at the 2008 Rossland FilmFest

This fall a group of local frolfers, headed by Peach Productions, filmed a documentary style movie about disc golf, the local scene and the people who play. The film stars Jeff "Chunk" Butcher, Blaine Benner and features an original song written and preformed by Tanner Ansley. "The Frolfumentary" is tentatively scheduled to be shown on Friday November 21, 2008 at the 2008 Rossland Mountain Film Festival. This movie will challenge the bike/ski mentality of Rossland, and give frolf a much needed showcasing. So, come on out to the filmfest to support a local film maker and the sport that is taking Rossland by storm.

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