Frolfing in Rossland...

The Thin Air Frolf Club is a recently renovated 18 hole beauty. With PDGA approved cement tee pads and two new par 4's this course is second to none in British Columbia.
Please respect the wildlife and pick up after yourselves.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The RossFest Disc Golf Tournament

The 2nd Annual RossFest celebration in association with the Rossland Frolf Association are hosting a Disc Golf tournament this Saturday morning. Blaine Benner will be out organizing the days events, so come on up to the Thin Air Frolf club challenge your self against the course and take part in the fastest growing recreational past time, Disc Golf. There will be swag and prizes for the top frolfers donated kindly by the local merchants.

Tournament format and logistics will be determined on the number of participants.

Saturday August 23rd, 2008

Registration - 9.00am

Start Time - 9.30am

Entry Fee - $5

Have fun and remember to keep the course clean by picking up after yourselves.


BCDC said...

Hey Rosslanders, any of you coming down to the Provincials in Langley this Saturday Sept. 27th?

BCDC said...

Devon Gunn brought home to the Kootenays (Montrose)the BC Amateur 1st place trophy at the BC Disc Golf Championships Provincials in Langley B.C. this Past Sat. Sept. 27th with 2 solid rounds of -5 under par for each of his 2 rounds with a total of -10 under par 98!!