Lower Mainland, BC - In what the Toad would have called a "Wild Ride",
Tucker and
Peach hooked up in the lower mainland to play four of the province's original disc golf courses. The day was a beauty with no clouds in sight and the wind level at nil. Tucker rocked in from the "Wack", where he has recently set up a RFA outpost, and picked up Peach and his bra-n-law
Luker. The 3 frolfers then took off in search of straight drives, loose chains and savage scores.
The first stop on the trip was the
Robert Burnaby 9 hole Disc Golf course. The course was

created in the late 90s in a beautiful park with old cedar trees and fantastic elevation changes. The boys jumped straight into the gamesmanship and set-up the day with a toonie prize for low score at each course. Peach, playing his "home away from home" course, jumped out to the lead shooting a stellar -8 over 18 holes leaving the other 2 in the dust. Tucker, who has been battling a sore wing, struggled with accuracy and keeping the disc in play and with a few sweaty searches needed to find his discs finished strong and pulled off a +3, with Luker edging him slightly with a +2.
Next stop was the
Jericho Community Centre Disc Golf Course. The boys headed down HWY 1 and into Vancouver for a crack at Peach's old stomping ground. The course was estabilshed in the ear

ly 90s and is located on a grassy hillside in Kits. The course was in super shape and with the black berry bushes and tough rolls, the course looked to pose problems for all the players. Peach shot a respectable -1 on the 13 hole course with Tucker 2 back and Luker shooting a +2. "Love the ups and downs on this course" stated Tuck "tough to get the disc close, you've got to make putts to score." With many of the holes setting up across the hill the rolls were leathal. "Keep the discs off their edge and your golden." said Peach after watching Luker's disc roll for 100 feet into the blackberry grave that so many toil with.
With a cooler full of PBRs and 2 rounds under their belts the threesome headed to the newly created (2003)
Quilchena DGC. The course is a challenging 12 hole set up that boarders the the park with some really tricky pins. The threesome was excited to try the cement tee pads an

d the boys came out gunning for the Peach who was taking them to town on the more open style of courses that Tuck had not encountered to this point in his Frolf career. "I felt them behind me but you need a little more than that to catch the maillot-jaune." peach replied after the issue of tucker cathing him was breetched. With a little help from the course directory the boys got around the 12 holes with Peach at -2, Tucker at +2 and Luker, feeling the effects of the hot day and 4 holes/4 beers at +5. Tuck was in contention until the 10th hole where the nasty bramble bushes got him not once but twice leaving the search party scraped and scratched after looking for his wild backhands and a double bogey for his poor efforts.

The crew decided that enough was enough and decided to take a break before their final round of the day. The
Vancouver Canadians, a tier II single A minor league baseball team, were hosting the Everett Aquasocks in a nooner just a "long range" from the QEP course and the boys decided to take in the game. After a couple of pops and smokies the boys were a heckling machine. Everett was up by a run in the 7th with the Canadians at the plate when Peach and Tuck let the Everett 3rd baseman have it. After a barrage of remarks, the man on the hot corner, in what should have been the final out of the inning, threw away an easy grounder allowing 2 Canadinas to score giving the Vancouver squad the victory 7 to 6. Fans and players alike were thrilled with the Rossland duo's heckling and the boys were both credited with the W.

Finally the group headed to the
Little Mountian DGC in Queen Elizabeth Park for a real test of their skills. The course is one of Vancouver's originals and boasts 2 sets of cement tee pads on a 9 chain set up. "There is water, road and OB everywhere!" cried Tucker upon his arrival to the historic course. Peach, who had soaked in A LOT of sun and drank a fair share, came out of the blocks in fine form. He lost his shades on hole 2, left a disc on hole 7 and stumbled through the first 13 holes. Tucker, with his DD duties, was a little sharper and played well. His -3 won t

he round and gave the "Wacker" a little hope for his upcoming 2 year sebatical in the lower mainland. The highlight of the day was on hole 14 when Peach tossed his second ACE of the season on a 268 ft downhill hole. "He acted like an idiot, running from group to group all over the course high fiving and signing peoples discs, but I've got to hand it to him, it was impressive!" proclaimed Tucker after Peach passed out on the trip back to New Westminster.
The lower mailand boasts some of the classiest frolf courses in the province and are worth a go if you have the chance. The RFA represented well taking on a different style of course with their usual piss and vinagar playing very well. Tucker and Peach were happy with their farewell tour and are planning on a follow-up next year that could include a run at a few of the Islands' best setups. Stay tuned for next year's "Tuck and Peach take their show on the Road - Frolf Tour"!!!
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