As of today at 4 pm I have disposed of the garbage can. the light bulb finally went on and I decided today was the day. It occurred to me that this whole thing was getting quite rediculous and mostly on our parts I might add. How many times have we walked by that thing and bitched about it being there? We, me included, were acting like it was bolted to the ground. It was like we were scheming on some big plan on how we were going to get rid of this enormously akward rubber maid container.
Anyways........ I took the empties to the recycling depot and put up a sign that states our policy/philosphy on why we dont have a garbage can.
I also noticed our "friend" out there yesterday having quite a good time with his three friends the cooler and two other guys. The biggest cooler one man can carry too I might add. As he was a few holes ahead of us I had the pleasure of being able to see if he was going to empty his now full beer can garbage can. You like that one didnt you. So as he and his two brothers, darryl and darryl, left he did not fulfill his self proclaimed RDGA recycling duties. So I decided today to strip him of his duties and demote back to just the "shirtless disc golfing wonder"
Goodbye and God loves us all!!!
Even shirtless recycling disc golf guys.
I do not know why I feel the need to defend myself but you guys are quite out of line with this slander and I wish you would bury the hatchet like you seem to when I have spoken with you face to face.
Let me recap you're justified negativity towards me. I was an ass to a bunch of you when frolfing. I was an ass that littered and made your frolf quite unpleasant. I threatened to ruin the fun of the course with my disregard and disrespect for your hardwork.
I regretted that and spoke to a couple of you and apologized. I spoke to you Fry about that unfortunate incident and apologized like an adult and you accepted that. I also spoke with you Blain about the garbage can and you said it was a good idea when I was with my two cousins Daryl and my portable fridge.
During my apology to Fry and some other gent the topic of the garbage can can up and I said "that I would do what you guys wanted" and "that you simply had to let me know and I would remove the can if that is what you decided." I think it very unfortunate that you let a bin get your knickers in such a knot for a week. What an unfortunate waste. FYI too I was quite unimpressed to find it not there the next day. Hopefully you kept the change to give to the racers. The couple bucks would only add to about $10 from the $7 that I collected from before the snatching. The bin was not full either, but it was devoid of the garbage that I removed from it (Good thing I carry such a big cooler! ha!) before you took the whole bin. Gents this is the point of the place that you're hard work has made.
My last bit is gents give me a call because I am not the kindof guy who likes people to not have fun just at the site of me. Get over it. Take your shirts off and frolf. The summer was hot! 231-5456 if you have any other issues I would love to chat.
Bury the hatchet gents. Lets see you out there before the snow gets the course. Another nickname for me aside from Daryl is "One disc wonder" Not sure which of you coined that one but quite funny.
Well put. The Hatchet should be buried. Shirts chafe anyways...
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