Frolfing in Rossland...

The Thin Air Frolf Club is a recently renovated 18 hole beauty. With PDGA approved cement tee pads and two new par 4's this course is second to none in British Columbia.
Please respect the wildlife and pick up after yourselves.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Vote for Impeachment!!!


Thousands of Disc Golfers from around Rossland will join together to demand the impeachment of Blaine Benner and insist on the immediate end to the bilking of funds from the R.D.G.A for personal use. October 15th is the date Craig Tucker mandated to make a report to the board on the progress of the so-called surge. The eyes of the national and international media will be focused on Rossland, B.C. at that time. In the coming weeks we will be taking out newspaper ads, producing 500,000 leaflets, flyers, and stickers, and setting up outreach committees for the October 15th march in Rossland.

We are making a special appeal to all ImpeachBenner members to make a donation today to help us provide a special transportation subsidy for the West Kootenay Disc golfers who are trying to come to the October 15 march in Rossland. We are hearing from Disc golfers and the family members of Disc golfers from throughout the land who want to join the protest.

Thanks to donations from people like you, we've already been able to place ImpeachBenner ads in the Weekender, and the Trail Times.

2007 is the year for impeachment!

Board of Directors Elected

In the first formal meeting of the Thin Air Disc Golf Club a board of directors was elected.
El Presidente Benner
Vice President Peach
Treasurer Chunk
Director Fry
Director Tucker
Director Rosshopper
Director Bash
Rumours of miscounts and ballot stuffing abound, and there is already talk of impeachment, stay posted for updates as the disc spins.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Thursday, September 20, 2007

PDGA course directory

We are now listed on the PDGAs worldwide course directory.
All suggestions to butter up the course description and directions are welcome.
happy golfing,

The beer container is toast!!!

As of today at 4 pm I have disposed of the garbage can. the light bulb finally went on and I decided today was the day. It occurred to me that this whole thing was getting quite rediculous and mostly on our parts I might add. How many times have we walked by that thing and bitched about it being there? We, me included, were acting like it was bolted to the ground. It was like we were scheming on some big plan on how we were going to get rid of this enormously akward rubber maid container.

Anyways........ I took the empties to the recycling depot and put up a sign that states our policy/philosphy on why we dont have a garbage can.

I also noticed our "friend" out there yesterday having quite a good time with his three friends the cooler and two other guys. The biggest cooler one man can carry too I might add. As he was a few holes ahead of us I had the pleasure of being able to see if he was going to empty his now full beer can garbage can. You like that one didnt you. So as he and his two brothers, darryl and darryl, left he did not fulfill his self proclaimed RDGA recycling duties. So I decided today to strip him of his duties and demote back to just the "shirtless disc golfing wonder"

Goodbye and God loves us all!!!

Even shirtless recycling disc golf guys.



Is anyone interested in a round at 4.00pm Thursday afternoon? Leave a comment if you are in to it. Also are we going to meet this evening at the GRIND to discuss the political aspect of this association? I vote BASH for President!

Thin Air Frolf Club resident ass-kicker.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Chunk and Fry dominate the Pairs, Peach betters his mark

Thin Air Frolf Club, Rossland - The recently renovated frolf course has housed some very hot play over the past month. RFA members and guests have been tearing it up on the chains and leaving nothing to the imagination. Most recently Chunk (+2) and his beautiful family had the honor of witnessing the course record get a little lower yesterday. Peach played a solid round shooting 2 strokes below par on the front nine and lowering that by 3 on the back, to set the course record at a formidable 5 under par. Peach was pleased with his round but felt that he could have set the bar a little lower. "I didn't putt very well, but made them when I had to" said the 2007 Spring Fling Champion "not birding 9 or 18 and still being down 5 strokes just goes to show that this is just a stepping stone to a great score!".

Last weekend several RFA members casually got together for a 4 team best ball format outing.
Many of the notables were out and playing great frolf. In what could have been the upset of the season, Chunk and Fry stole one from the formidable duo of Peach and Bash. Bash and Peach played well, but found it difficult to break out of their par-like round shooting a respectable EVEN over 18 holes. Benner and newcomer Goldenboy teamed up for a solid EVEN as well, after shooting a +3 on the front 9. H and Knobber struggled to hang around and didn't put up a fight for the eventual winners. Fry relied on his new more aggressive tactics and Chunk, who recently was quoted saying - "I'm back in the game!", played very well making several birdies and more importantly no bogeys. The long time friends combined for a -3, bettering their closest rivals by 3 strokes.

The RFA is very pleased to see that the Thin Air Frolf Course is getting well used. There have been several new groups out on the course and at any given time there can be up to 4 frolf groups playing the newly designed setup. Please remember that we are guests on the Black Jack property and need to respect their pack in/pack out garbage mentality. As long as we keep the course clean the relationship with the Nordic Center will be a fruitful one.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Tourney Meeting ?

You guys interested in meeting about a tourney, let's get together and work something out. Brad Brown offered Grind as an after hours meeting spot, to get moving on the tourney. Maybe this week later in the evening.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fall Tournament Proposal

With the revamped course design, baskets and new found interest in the Rossland Frolf course/community it is now time to discuss when we'll hold the inaugural tourney! There are several issues that need to be taken into account prior to making any decisions.
  1. The Masters - time, date, worthiness etc...
  2. Thanksgiving - Johnny Suckhole's unable to get away for a day during the 3 day weekend, family and other celebrations...
  3. Tanner's Birthday Celebration - Tentatively scheduled for Saturday October 6th, 2007, you only turn 30 once!
  4. Snow - my favorite, your favorite, frolf killer...
My suggestion is the weekend of the 27th - 28th of October, taking place on Saturday the 27th. I realize that its late in the year (possibility of issue #4) but it would wrap up the year very well, be the last official Frolf event of the season and would tie in with the whole Halloween theme very well. I am suggesting the 1st annual "Pumpkin Polehole" of "Fall Crawl" or "Pumpkin Pitch and Putt" or "Thin Air Fall Flair" Disc Golf tournament. The tournament could consist of 2 rounds of disc golf with 3 categories - Open, Women's and Amateur. To cover costs and prizes we'll need to charge upwards of $25 entry fee for all categories with $5 each going to the BCDG Federation for insurance purposes. Lunch, t-shirts and a chance at the ace pool would be included.

In order to get this course off the ground and onto the BC Frolf map we need to do this right the first time and get started asap.

Please comment on the times, dates and organization of this event on this blog or with me (Peaches) so that things can start to happen!

Looking forward to taking this thing to the next level...


2007 Spring Fling Champion

Friday, September 7, 2007

OOPS! Lance ACES 18th!

This afternoon, in the company of Blaine, Harry, Dre, Lisa, and Jase, Fry "Lance " Johnston aces the 18th at Rossland.

Lance ACE

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Spring Fling: the movie

Well folks after a long summer and many hours of editing the Spring Fling Movie is finally done. Peach Productions is proud to present its first Frolf Movie. Enjoy!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Welcome to the Thin Air Frolf Club!

Tanner making sure that Fry puts his back into it!

What did you say?

Chunk and Tucker moving cement around

Benner planning out another trail.

Thin Air Frolf Club, Rossland - All the blood, sweat and tears have finally paid off and the course has taken shape. The RFA finally has it's very own disc golf course and its fantastic. Throughout the last month and a half many of the RFA members have been working hard to solidify sponsorship, purchase equipment, dig holes and turn a X country ski facility into one of the finest Frolf courses in the West Kootenays. Cheers to the men behind the scenes and the men behind their scenes and the scenes behind their men... you know what I mean.
Let's keep this the finest, most open and well spirited Disc Golf course around!