Frolfing in Rossland...

The Thin Air Frolf Club is a recently renovated 18 hole beauty. With PDGA approved cement tee pads and two new par 4's this course is second to none in British Columbia.
Please respect the wildlife and pick up after yourselves.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

What does next weekend look like?

How about a little 3 round tourney up at the Black Creek Golf and CC next weekend? Fry and I were discussing it and it would be great to have a season opening tourney (Beers, BBQ, prize money). How about 2 rounds on Saturday and either 1 or 2 on Sunday for a three round aggregate score? Add in a couple of closest to the pin and ace prizes and voila somehitng to Blog about. If you think the dates work comment so we know and if they don't mention what would and maybe the times.

Also if anyone is interested in either throwing the Ulti disc around a the HS field (this am) or getting a game of frolf in at the the BCGCC ending before 4pm. Call me or comment on it (362.9042)


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